Motivation is an important factor that can influence your productivity and performance in the workplace. Having motivation can help you stay engaged and passionate about your work. Showing how motivated you are to succeed can also have an impact on the way your coworkers and managers perceive you. For instance, when you show your enthusiasm for getting the job done, you can impress your supervisors with your dedication to your career. Additionally, your motivation and enthusiasm can help support your teammates in the event they have a hard time staying motivated, too.
Use time management techniques
Take short breaks during your workday so you can quickly refresh and refocus. Time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Method and time management apps that let you set timers and notifications can remind you to take a break away from your desk. Using time management techniques for staying on track with your assignments is equally important as taking regular breaks. For instance, set a timer to track your progress while working on large assignments. Similarly, if you must complete smaller or brief tasks, set a timer to ensure the task doesn't take you longer than necessary to finish up.
Prioritize your tasks effectively
Prioritize your work according to its urgency. While you must still complete important tasks, urgent tasks typically take precedence. For instance, working on a client project may be an important task on your to-do list for the day, but if your supervisor assigns you a last-minute urgent task, you need to have the ability to prioritize it immediately. Take the time each morning when you get to work to look over your assignments and prioritize them according to what you need to complete first. Schedule your most important tasks for earlier in the day, this way you have more flexibility in the afternoon in the event a last-minute or emergency task arises.
Apply constructive feedback
Listen actively when supervisors or team leaders give you constructive feedback. Use the insight you gain from evaluations and performance reviews to create development and improvement goals for yourself. For instance, if your written financial analysis is exceptional, but you need to improve your presentation skills when meeting with executives to share the report, develop a plan of action to learn speaking techniques, improve body language or practice maintaining eye contact. Initiating your own development and improvement can give you a sense of accountability, which can give your motivation a substantial boost.
Practice gratitude with colleagues
Gratitude can help people reconnect with their values and build relationships with others. Practicing gratitude in the workplace by recognizing when co workers support you, giving compliments to teammates or just saying "thank you" when a colleague does something for you can help you keep a positive attitude and look forward to being in the office.